Associazione artistica "Il Varco" > Prisma Art Prize > Entro 14/10/2024


  • Il Varco SRL organizes the 16th edition of Prisma Art Prize, a year-long award divided in four quarterly calls that lead to a final exhibition in Rome with the artistic direction of Marco Crispano and the curatorship of Domenico De Chirico. Submissions to the quarterly calls are open to all living artists without limits of age, sex, nationality and ethnicity and to works of painting, drawing and engraving of any size and on any medium. 

Selection process: 

Every submission is reviewed by the Artistic Director and the Curator and the finalists list will be published on the website. Finalist works will be included in the online gallery on the website and will be eligible for all the quarterly prizes. All the finalist works will also be eligible to be selected for the annual exhibition in Rome at Contemporary Cluster, in December 2024 (vernissage 19 December) and will be published in the Exhibition’s Catalogue. 

Please note that artists need to pay a submission fee to submit the jury theirs artworks.


- To the winner of each quarterly edition, selected among the finalist works: €500 cash prize; 

- To one of the finalist artworks: Viviva Colors prize, offered by our partner Viviva Colors, which consists in a Personalized Gift Pack; 

- To one of the finalist artworks: DailyLazy Award, which consists in an interview with the winning artist published on their website;

- An open number of finalists artists will exhibith in the collective exhibition at Contemporary Cluster and will be featured in the 4th year Catalogue;

- To one of the finalist artists: CAD 100 cash prize offered by Biafarin; 

- To one of the finalist artists: Selection for an international solo online exhibition offered by Biafarin; 

- To one of the finalist artists: Selection for a publication of a chosen artwork in Artistonish Magazine.

All finalist artists receive a free online artist profile page in Biafarin platform and they are also eligible for the following prizes: Collective exhibition at Contemporary Cluster, Publication in the Award Catalog published by Il Varco edition, Dar Meso Art Residency Prize consisting of a two-week residency at Dar Meso, an artistic institution based in the heart of Tunis, to take place in 2025.

Deadline for submission for this quarterly edition is 14th October 2024, at the website:

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