Centro Studi Wolfsoniana - Fondazione Palazzo Ducale > Gianni Franzone Fellowship > Entro 14/08/2024


The Centro Studi Wolfsoniana announces the second edition of the international call for the Fellowship in memory of Gianni Franzone (1964-2022), twentieth-century art historian and curator of the Wolfsoniana in Genoa, promoted and supported by the family Franzone.

The fellowship is destinated to under 35 researchers in the history, culture and visual arts of the period pertaining to the Wolfsoniana collection (1870-1950), with special attention to aspects related to decorative and propaganda arts and to architecture.

  • Terms and conditions:
  • The applicants are invited to present research projects pertaining to the main themes documented by the collection, library and archives of the Wolfsoniana, aimed both to elaborate an in-depth study of these materials, and to trace the new perspectives of those historical problems whose legacy still sets a strict critical confrontation, as in the case of colonial history or totalitarianisms of the twentieth century.

  • The main topics on which the candidates’ proposals will be evaluated are the following: Tradition and modernity in art and architecture between the nineteenth and twentieth centuries:
  • - Transformations of production processes: from decorative arts to design;
  • - Languages of propaganda;
  • - Colonies and colonialism;
  • - Mobility and tourism in the industrial age;
  • - Exhibitions, fairs and international exhibitions.

At the time of application, scholars must be under 35 years old and hold a PhD, dottorato di ricerca, specializzazione or an equivalent degree (the certificate should be provided). 

They must be conversant in both English and Italian and able to understand both languages (the certificates should be provided). They should be in the early stages of their career, having received a PhD between January 1, 2012 – December 31st, 2022, and have a solid background in the late nineteenth and the twentieth century Italian art and architecture.

The application must be accompanied by the research project (up to 4000 characters), the candidate’s curriculum vitae and letter/s of presentation, and sent within August 14, 2024, to the following e-mail address: info@wolfsoniana.it, indicating as a subject Gianni Franzone Fellowship.

The grant provides the stipend of 2500 euros, a support for round trip expenses and offers the winning candidate priority access and a reserved workstation at the Wolfsoniana Study Center at the Palazzo Ducale in Genoa for a period of three continuous weeks (from October 2024), to consult the collection, the library and the archives. During the period of stay, it will be possible, at the request of the candidate, to visit the museum and the depository of the Wolfsoniana.

The fellow is expected to consign the research results after four months from the end of the work at the Centro Studi Wolfsoniana. The results will be evaluated by the members of the scientific committee and the final essay, once approved, will be published in the review “Quaderni della Wolfsoniana“.

Info: +39 010 8171653/4 – email: info@wolfsoniana.it

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