Fondazione 1563 > POSTGRADUATE SUMMER SCHOOL “Exploitation and Otherness: Investigating the Nexus of Race, Ethnicity, and Enslavement in the Ancient Mediterranean”


Fondazione 1563 per l’Arte e la Cultura della Compagnia di San Paolo (hereinafter ‘Fondazione 1563’) has since 2013 supported research and advanced training in the field of the humanities. In a wider effort to pursue this goal, in 2020 Fondazione 1563 launched the Turin Humanities Programme, a research initiative that allows junior scholars to work on interrelated research projects under the guidance of especially appointed Senior Fellows.

THP aims at promoting two-year research projects about relevant global history topics. Under THP Fondazione 1563 launched a third research cycle (2023-25) on Slavery, ethnicity and race in the Mediterranean: ideas and attitudes from Homer to Columbus.

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