Fondazione Giorgio Cini > Borsa di studio “Utopia, Art, and Spirituality” > Entro 15/02/2024


We are pleased to announce the first postgraduate research fellowship jointly organised by the Centre for Comparative Studies of Civilisations and Spiritualities of the Cini Foundation in Venice (Italy) and the Archivio Luigi Pericle in Ascona (Switzerland). The applicant awarded the “Utopia, Art, and Spirituality” grant will have the opportunity to spend two months at the Cini Foundation and two months at the Hotel Ascona (including boarding) - Archivio Luigi Pericle. The fellowship offers four months’ accommodation in Venice and Ascona in Spring/Summer 2024 (two for each institution), and a grant of 1,200 euros (gross amount).

  • The selected candidate:
  • - Is a PhD student or postdoctoral researcher with a background in history of religions, socio-anthropology of religions, or history of art;
  • - Will work on the relationship between religion and art in Central Europe in the twentieth century, with a special focus on the intellectual, religious, and political movements connected to Theosophy, Monte Verità, and Eranos;
  • - Will have access to the libraries and archives of the Cini Foundation and Archivio Luigi Pericle. Furthermore, she/he will have access to the the Research Centre of the Swiss Theosophical Society and will visit Monte Verità Foundation, the Municipal Museum of Modern Art of Ascona, the San Materno Theatre, the Eranos Foundation, the Marguerite Arp Foundation, the Remo Rossi Foundation, the Hermann Hesse Museum, among other places;
  • - Will produce a scientific article based on the research carried during this fellowship.

  • How to apply:
  • - Send the following to a curriculum vitae and a research project description (around 1,500 words not including the bibliography), specifying aims, time frame, and if possible, materials and documents to be consulted;
  • - Deadline: 15 February 2024;
  • - All applicants will be informed of the results by 15 March.

For further information contact or visit the website.

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