Il Varco > Prisma Art Prize > Entro 11/01/2024


  • Il Varco SRL organizes the 13th edition of Prisma Art Prize, a year-long award divided in four quarterly calls that lead to a final exhibition in Rome with the artistic direction of Marco Crispano and the curatorship of Domenico De Chirico.
  • Submissions to the quarterly calls are open to all living artists without limits of age, sex, nationality and ethnicity and to works of painting, drawing and engraving of any size and on any medium.

  • Every submission is reviewed by the Artistic Director and the Curator in 14 working days, after which the artist will be notified if it is selected as a finalist in the competition.
  • Finalist works will be included in the online gallery on the website and will be eligible for all the quarterly prizes. All the finalist works will also be eligible to be selected for the annual exhibition at the end of the quarterly calls. 
  • A selection of some of the finalist works, selected by the Artistic Director and the Curator in October 2024, will be part of a collective exhibition in Rome at Contemporary Cluster, Palazzo Brancaccio, in December 2024 and will be published in the Exhibition’s Catalogue.

It is possible to submit one to eight artworks by paying the submission fees as indicated in the call for entries.

The winner of each quarterly edition, selected among the finalist works will be awarded a €500 cash prize. As far as other quarterly prizes, please consult the call for entries.

Deadline for submission for this quarterly edition is 11th January 2024.

For further information please contact or visit the website.

Parole chiave : premio arte - emergenti - mostra - opere
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